Plays, Poetry and Music for Palestine
'The Gaza Monologues" was written in 2010 by Ashtar Theatre. It is a moving testament from children living under the terror of war. (25mins)
'Charley and the Drone factory' (20 mins) tells the story of a Palestine Action activist and celebrates Wakefield United for Palestine. When available, Fireille a Palestinian actress and Pippa will perform poetry for Palestine.
The Red Shed Players are developing collaborations with Wakefield United for Palestine & Medical Workers for Palestine and others to create unique diverse evenings of solidarity and socialising
‘Life is not Beautiful
until it is Beautiful for Everyone’
until it is Beautiful for Everyone’
The stories of: Louise Michel and the Paris Commune. Still inspiring the battle for a fairer world. The Daintons and Wakefield’s Toxic Tip. Lies, evasions, injunctions and fighting the Local Authority for twenty five years! Jayaben Desai and the Grunwick Dispute. An inspirational struggle betrayed, but strong women are unbowed!Dave Nixon and Insulate Britain. The planet burns, the courts and state silence the fire-fighters EMILY Carrigan Rainbow Junktion, & Calais. The joy of community action, fulfilment through solidarity
"brilliant cameos of vital political struggles over the years with great performances and music from the small but very lively and talented cast."
"another great night. The Five Stories needs to be in every club/pub and public place in England" Michael Hurley (after Calder Vale)
The Red Shed Players will be performing these shows throughout 2024.
interested in hosting? please use the contact form on the website
We are working on a brand new play
AI v The Luddites